Ford Land approached Barton Malow to work on a Current State Analysis (CSA) for the Powertrain Fuel Systems Lab (PFSL), one of Ford’s monument buildings in Dearborn, Michigan. The Powertrain Fuel Systems Lab renovation program started with just a design scope that was still evolving based on Ford’s vital needs for that calendar year. Our role was to take the CSA another step further by performing deeper investigations of equipment and systems outlined and rank needs for critical Items. Barton Malow’s preconstruction team priced the scope of the identified critical projects as a baseline, while the remainder of the funding was allocated to “wants” or Owner alternates.
As a monument building for Ford, PFSL required additional focus and care for the renovation scope of work. Due to our involvement with the CSA assessment, Barton Malow already had a strong understanding of the building systems and the user group’s needs and issues once preconstruction began for the PFSL.
Barton Malow worked collaboratively with Ford Land and the end-users to develop a scope of work that met budget availability and timing allowed for this project. There were two main components: renovations to the primary office and conference room of the PFSL building and updating outdated/under-performing equipment and systems related to both building comfort and testing activities.