Barton Malow


Barton Malow’s goal of developing long-lasting relationships with our subcontracting partners begins with prequalification. We have partnered with BuildingConnected to enhance Barton Malow’s prequalification and bid management processes. The use of BuildingConnected gives Barton Malow and our subcontractors a streamlined and comprehensive preconstruction process, from prequalification to bidding.

Jump to Procurement + Bid Opportunities


Barton Malow has partnered with BuildingConnected to manage subcontractors through its easy-to-use prequalification software. Subcontractors may use the form below to submit a request to pre-qualify with Barton Malow. An email will then be sent to the contact provided to set up an account in BuildingConnected to complete the prequalification submission.

Submit to Pre-Qualify

"*" indicates required fields

The following documents must be uploaded for prequalification:

  • W9 Form – the company name must exactly match our contract and your BuildingConnected profile (sample document)
  • Audited/Reviewed financials from previous year
  • OSHA 300/300A Logs (past three years; sample document)
  • EMR Letter (past three years)
  • Safety Manual
  • Letter from Bonding Company
  • Current Insurance Certificate and Additional Insured forms CG2010 and CG2037 (sample document)

For additional information, please reference the following:

This guide provides a step-by-step view of the BuildingConnected account setup process. For additional support and training, visit the BuildingConnected help desk, or watch the video below.

Note: The email entered will be the email contacted next year for pre-qualification renewal, so be sure to use the email address of the person who will be completing the renewal. Additionally, please ensure that your company is allowing emails from the and domains so you do not miss out on important notifications.

We have also created a guide to help with finding the invitation to prequalify in BuildingConnected and modifying who has permission to respond to an invitation to prequalify

Procurement + Bid Opportunities

When a project is released, Barton Malow queries BuildingConnected for potential bidders. We also post in local publications and send out e-blasts to spread the word of our upcoming projects. If Barton Malow determines that we would like to ask your company to bid on a project, you will receive an invitation to bid through BuildingConnected.

BuildingConnected is used by our procurement and project delivery teams to invite subcontractors to bid, communicate with bidders, and manage the bids we receive. Our project teams seek the most qualified, responsive bids and only award after a thorough post-bid review process.

Subcontractors can view our current bid opportunities by clicking the button below:

If you have already prequalified and have a procurement question for Barton Malow, contact us at